
January 14, 2011

Doesn't it seem like there isn't enough time left in the day once you get home from work? You have things you want to do but everyone else needs your help too and sometimes you are a captive in your own home. Usually when I want to leave the house and I can't it's because I want to go exercise but time is too limited by the time I add in the drive, parking, etc. So I found a solution for days like that.......I made a desktop for my laptop on my treadmill so now I can walk (wouldn't want to try running with it on there) at a pretty good clip and catch up on my reading, etc too (I slowed down a little so the picture wasn't such a blur). You would be surprised how fast the time goes by too! I was wondering why I was sweating so much just from walking and I looked and I had been going for almost an hour. Plus, I'm also home to handle those other little things as they come up like squeezing out the last bit of toothpaste to go on someone's toothbrush, counseling feuding siblings, reading over homework papers, have dinner going in the oven, etc.

December 12, 2011

Picking your Pace
Here is a really cool way to customize a playlist for your own fitness intensity.  This link : will allow you to figure out how many beats per minute (bpm) you want to exercise at and then you can select the type of music genre or a particular artist, etc to find songs to download that will keep you constant at your pace.

If you are like me you spend more time fooling with your mp3 skipping over songs during a run because it's getting too slow and that alone will slow down your pace and your time.  Let's face it - any kind of shortcut is good and if you want to shave some time off and keep your heartrate steady this could be an effective tool.


To take care of your body that was given to you by God, you have to do more than watch what you eat.  You have to move your body.  Exercise is an integral part of getting in shape and staying in shape.  Without a healthy body how can you say that you are honoring God by honoring and protecting in return what He gave to you?

With that being said, I hate for this first post on this page to be anything less than motivating but I also have to be honest with where I am coming from. Up until 4-5 months ago I would have had the "walk" to go with my "talk" however the last few months I've been sidelined with a foot issue. I have now begun to be more active again and when I visit my podiatrist on Monday I am hoping for a full release pending me listening to what my body is trying to tell me....I sometimes have too high of a pain tolerance which might be what got me into this mess in the first place!

Whatever your story is, I know what a "fitness funk" can feel like.  It can be physical (like mine) and also mental (which I've had a fair share of those before also).  If I were to be honest, I'd say right now mine is pretty much half and half.  I'm working towards improving both though and I WILL SUCCEED.

The way to overcome the "fitness funk" is to just get up and start moving.  Whatever your fitness level is, just start doing what you can right now.  Start small if you have to but keep at it.  Where you may be lacking in mobility you can make up for it in perseverence! 

Start today - start now - really.....I mean now!  Get on with your bad self!  You will not be sorry you did.
"And stretch 2-3-4...."

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